Basement flooding can cause extensive damage to your home and belongings. Here are some tips on how to prepare for and clean up after a basement flood. Before a flood:-Create or update your emergency contact list.-Ensure you have a working flashlight and battery-powered radio.-Stock up on supplies such as water, food, and medicine.-If you have a sump pump, check to make sure it is in good working order.-Install a back-up generator, if possible.During a flood:-If you have time, move your belongings to higher ground.-If you are ordered to evacuate, do so immediately.-If you are trapped in your home, go to the roof and signal for help.-Do not walk through floodwaters, as they may be contaminated.After a flood:-Do not enter your home if it is flooded until you have been given the all clear by authorities.-Check for electrical and gas leaks.-Remove all water from the home.-Dispose of any contaminated items.-Clean and dry the home.-Restore power and plumbing.-Monitor your home for further signs of damage.